Allows users to organize accounts for different purposes (public as donation account, private as saving account)
Either 0 to specific external chain, visible outside of the wallet
or 1 to specific internal chain, Invisible and is used for return transaction change
0-based index in sequentially increasing manner, it is used as child index.
Path levels: m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
Purpose: A const set to 0x8000002C (44) following BIP43
Coint types: e.g Casper is 0x800001fa, Bitcoin is 0x80000000
Account: Allows users to organize accounts for different purposes (public as donation account, private as saving account)
Change: Either 0 to specific external chain, visible outside of the wallet or 1 to specific internal chain, Invisible and is used for return transaction change
Index: 0-based index in sequentially increasing manner, it is used as child index.